Private Math

Why Choose Private Math Lessons?
The Math Private Lessons are designed for students who are in special need for individual attention for a variety of reasons. A student may have a learning disability, a restricted schedule or may wish to accelerate through certain material. If your child needs individual attention, we are here to help. Please contact us to discuss whether your child is a good fit for personal coaching.
Program Format
Crania’s Math Private Lessons are offered in a one-to-one format. The instructor’s full attention will be on your child during the lesson. Students typically attend a 55-minute pre-scheduled lesson per week. However, the schedule and duration can be flexible depending on need. Work may be assigned to be completed at home if needed. Parents are encouraged to speak to the instructor regularly about their child’s progress.
Program Features
Fully Customized
Crania’s Math Private Lessons are completely customized to your child. The curriculum is not restricted in any way and students are welcome to bring work from school that they need help with. Please let us know if your child has any special learning preferences or needs, and we will do our best to accommodate them.
Individual Attention
Sometimes students just need a little extra attention to help them soar to great heights. The instructor’s full attention is always on your child during their private lesson. Challenges with material are picked up quickly and immediately addressed. While the time your child spends in their lesson will be very efficient, students are still encouraged to put aside some regular time at home to solidify the concepts taught in the lessons.
Distraction Free
Crania’s facilities are peaceful and orderly providing a calm environment for your child’s lessons. We always do our best to set aside a quiet space and time specially for your child’s private time. Parents are encouraged to select lesson times outside peak operating hours to allow for the least number of distractions for your child.